URVA-4.3.0-Mobile (Android & iOS)

URVA-4.3.0-Mobile (Android & iOS)

Version 4.3.0

Tentative Release Date: 15/03/2024- 22/03/2024

  1. Target-based Nudges: Users can now configure nudges based on the achieved percentage of targets which more personalized and targeted notifications to encourage. 
  2. Dashboard and Leaderboard: Introducing a leaderboard based on top achievers within the platform. Users can easily track their performance relative to others. 
  3. Cloud Calling in URVA: Seamlessly interact with customers through cloud calling and SMS, all within the Urva application. This integrated approach enhances communication efficiency and tracking. Help Doc
  4. Task Closure by OTP: Tasks can now be closed using OTP verification. Help Doc
  5. Download Task as PDF: Users now have the ability to download tasks in PDF format for documentation purposes. Help Doc
  6. Reminder in Call Logs: Receive reminders conveniently within call logs, helping users stay organized and ensuring important tasks or follow-ups are not overlooked.
  7. Navigate to Address: Easily navigate to specified addresses directly from within the Urva Connect application, simplifying logistics and improving efficiency in customer visits or service delivery. Help Doc
  8. Password Rotation Policy: Implemented a password rotation policy to enhance security measures and ensure data protection, promoting best practices for user account security. Help Doc
  9. Login with OTP Feature: Added an additional authentication option with OTP-based login, providing users with a convenient and secure alternative to traditional login methods. (Company Specific as per request)