How to add or bulk upload data in Process Collection?
To create the Process collection one by one, Please follow the below steps:- 1. From the URVA home page, Click on the Process under the Collection. 2. Click on the NEW button (Right side bottom). 3. Click on One by One to add the process one by one. ...
How to update/ edit Process Collection data?
To update or edit any item in Process Collection, follow the below steps: 1. From left URVA home page, go to Process under Collection. 2. Select the Process Collection. 3. Click on the Process item. 4. You want to update/Edit and then click the Edit ...
How to remove/ delete process items from Process Collection?
To delete a process from collection follow these steps mentioned below: 1. From the URVA1 home page go to Process under Collection. 2. Select the Process Collection. 3. Click on Delete icon ?️ for deleting it. 4. Click on Yes. To delete a process ...
How to assign Process Collection to Users?
Process collection can be assigned to users by using following steps: From left URVA1 home page, go to Process under Collection. Click on Collection name you want to assign to the users. Click on selection box “” option at the bottom. On the left ...
How to export/download process data in an excel file?
Process Collection is downloadable in an excel sheet through following steps: From URVA1 home page, go to Process under Collection module. Select the Process collection. Click on Export icon to download. Process collection will be downloaded in ...
How to add or bulk upload data in Process Collection?
Any Process related data can be added in the Process Collection either one by one or in bulk by uploading an excel file. To add data one by one follow below steps: 1. From URVA1 home page go to Process under Collection.2. Click on '+NEW' icon and ...