View location details of your team- Location Analytics

View location details of your team- Location Analytics

View the day's tracked locations for a team member by following these steps:
  1. From URVA home page, under Team Management, you will find Location Analytics.
  2. Select the particular date on the calendar.
  3. Click on the “Tracked” option to view the tracked user’s list.
  4. Now choose the Role of the user or you can also search for the user by using the search option.
  5. Select the user and then click on OK.
  6. Now the user will be able to view the tracked location of the User for the Present day.
  7. User can view the user's profile and will be able to see the number of tasks done by the user on a particular day on the right side.
  8. By clicking on the particular task, the user can see the Location Timeline of the user.
  9. User can also click on the 'Play Route' option on the left side to view the movement of the user on the map.

Export data : Download all this information in excel form for a particular day to check the detailed location data by clicking on the "Download” option on the top right corner.

The entire day's tracking will be available on a Google Map.