View assigned Routes & complete tasks

View assigned Routes & complete tasks

FOS can view the retailers in BSNL Salesport app as per the daily assigned routes:

  1. Login on BSNL Salesport app.
  2. From "Hello" screen, go to "Work" tab. (from bottom bar)
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of screen where you will find the assigned Beat Plan.
  4. Click on it and you will see the list of retailers assigned on that day.
  5. From top Calendar bar, you can also send the scroll to different dates of Beat Plan.
  6. Click "Actions" against any retailer and then choose "Create a Task".
  7. Now you can select any of the form to fill information . For example, select Location Capture.
  8. Select territory and stage as "Assign" and then click "Check In".
  9. The Lcoation Capture form will open. Retailer information will be prefilled.
  10. Click on GPS icon  to cappture the address and Lat Long of the retailer.
  11. Then click "submit".
  12. To complete the process, click "Submit Now" again. Retailers location details will be captured in the report.

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