Vendor Onboarding Process 2

Vendor Onboarding Process 2

This document will help you in using a new vendor onborading flow. You can either add a new vendor or update the bank details of the exisiting vendor. 


  1. Go to Tasks. Choose “Vendor Registration Form
  2. Click on +Task" and then "Create.
  3. Now go to the "Form" tab. Choose "Vendor Type" as "New."

  4. Fill in the vendor details such as name, constitution, trade name, nature of the transaction, and currency used.

  5. Provide the vendor's address details.

  6. Add Contact Details of the vendor.

  7. Add CIN and MSME details and attach any required documents. Enter PAN and TDS details.

  8. Fill in the GST details, including GSTN number and registration type.

  9. Add the vendor's bank details: bank name, address, account number, account type, IFSC code, and MICR code.

  10. Finally, attach documents like a scanned copy of a canceed check, address proof, and trade license.

  11. After filling the information, click on the "OK" to submit the details.
  12. Now go to "Change Stage" option and select L1 Approval stage then choose the person to assign the vendor for approval.
  13. In the same process, the user will open the task, and will move the task to next stage i.e. L2 approval for next user till the vendor is not moved in the last stage "Approved".
  14. Once the stage is "approved", the vendor item will be added in "Vendor collection" under customers.
  15. Go to home page and click " customers" under Collections. Now choose the "vendor collection". Here you can view the newly added vendor.
  16. You can go to export icon   to export the vendor details in an excel sheet. (This action is permissiosn based). 


  1. Some fields are marked with a ‘*star’ which are mandatory to fill. 
  2. You follow the same process to add a new vendor or update the bank and address details of an existing vendor.
  3. There are two categories: "Employee" and "Other than Employee."
  4. Depending on your choice in a drop-down menu, you'll see different fields to fill.
  5. Fields that are disabled when you first create a vendor don't need to be filled at that time.
  6. The "Rejection Remarks" field becomes active if a vendor request is rejected during approval.
  7. You should enter information in the specified format, like PAN, GST, and Bank IFSC code.
  8. The PAN is a unique field to avoid duplicacy in the vendor collection.
  9. The Vendor Registration number or id will be auto captured and you can view it after downloading the data in excel.
  10. The Vendor id will be numeric in serial order.
  11. From L1 approval and L2 approval, if assigned user finds that the vendor needs a correction, then he can move the task to "Rejected" stage.
  12. The Uploaders will edit the information based on Rejection Remarks and will edit the vendor information. Now he will move the vendor from "Rejetced" to "L1 Approval" again


  1. Follow the same steps from 1 to 3 as above. Here you need to select "Exisiting" in vendor status field.
  2. For exisiting vendors, you will first search the vendor based from his PAN ID.
  3. Select vendor from dropdown list. We need to add only GST and Bank details for the exisiting vendors.
  4. Fill out these details and click "Ok" to submit it in first stage "Created".
  5. Now follow the same steps to move the vendor task to next stage and assign to next user.
  6. Once the vendor task will move the "Approved "stage, the GST and bank information will be added in "Vendor GST Collection".
  7. To acces it, go to home page and click "Customers" under Collections. Now choose the "Vendor GST Collection". Here you can view the newly added infromation about already exisiting vendor in Vendor Collection.


  1. GST Number field is unique in this collection to avoid duplicacy.
  2. You can also export the data by clicking    on from top right corner.
  3. You can search out the Vendor with their Name or PAN.