Understanding Due Dates: What Are They and How Do They Work?

Understanding Due Dates: What Are They and How Do They Work?

Essentially, we set a "Due date" for tasks on the dashboard of the "Hello" screen. This Due date is categorized into three parts: "Due today," "Due this week," and "Due this month".

You have the option to establish a due date for each task exclusively on the mobile platform when manually initiating a task during check-in. The due date can be configured for today or any date within the current week (from Monday to Sunday) or within the current month.

Due today- This dashboard shows the number of tasks pending for the current date.
Due this week- This dashboard shows the number of tasks pending for the current week (Monday to Sunday). Set the due date within any day of current week and the count will show in the dashboard.
Due this month- This dashboard shows the number of tasks pending for the ongoing month. All the tasks which have due dates faling in the ongoing month will fall under this dashboard.

To set a due date for today, please follow the below steps:- 

  1. From the "Hello" home page, click on the "Due Today" module under the Activity Dashboard.. 
  2. Fill in the details and select today's date under the "Due Date" field.
  3. Click on "Check in" button. 
  4. Fill the Activity form and Click on the "Submit" button. 
  5. Click on the "Submit later" button.

To set a due date for this week, please follow the below steps:- 

  1. From the "Hello" home page, click on the "Due this week" module under the Activity Dashboard.
  2. Fill in the details and select a date under the current week in the "Due Date" field.
  3. Click on "Check in" button. 
  4. Fill the Activity form and Click on the "Submit" button. 
  5. Click on the "Submit later" button. 

To set a due date for this month, please follow the below steps:- 

  1. From the "Hello" home page, click on the "Due this month" module under the Activity Dashboard.
  2. Fill in the details and select a date under the current month in the "Due Date" field, preferably after the current week
  3. Click on "Check in" button. 
  4. Fill the Activity form and Click on the "Submit" button. 
  5. Click on the "Submit later" button.

Note:- Draft tasks will not appear on the dashboard. If you fill out the form and click the 'Submit Later' button, the task will be displayed on the dashboard based on its due date.