Shortcuts for Quick Actions

Shortcuts for Quick Actions

Shortcuts or quick actions are like fast lanes to common stuff in URVA. It helps you do things quickly right from the home screen.

To use shortcuts in URVA:

  1. Go to the URVA home page.
  2. Look for the Plus+ icon (it's next to Admin settings).
  3. If you want to create an activity, just click on 'Activities.'
  4. To set a reminder, click on 'Reminder.'
  5. For scheduling a meeting, click on 'Meeting.'
  6. To see who's present, click 'Present users.'
  7. For absentees, choose 'Absent users.'
  8. Adding customer details? Click 'Customers.'
  9. For admin employees, pick 'Admin employee.'
  10. If you have mortgage clients, go for 'Mortgage Clients.'
  11. To add policies, hit 'Policies.'
  12. And lastly, for creating new users or goals, use 'Users' or 'Goal' shortcuts.