Create Reminder based on Trigger Action

Create Reminder based on Trigger Action

Create reminders based on trigger actions for certain Dates selected as follow-up date while creating tasks. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. From URVA home page, under Automation, you will find Triggers.
  2. Click on the '+' icon to add the trigger.
  3. Under the Info tab, fill in the fields like Name, Description, Type, Pick the collection, execute the Timer, And run which indicates the frequency of the trigger message.
  4. Under the Condition tab, pick the field and operator to put conditions for the trigger message. For example: if you choose the workflow state equal to Finish, then the trigger message will be sent to the receiver's email when the task state is updated to 'Finish'.
  5. Under the Action tab, select Create Reminder, few more fields will auto-populate to enter details.
  6. Choose Title of Reminder that will be sent.
  7. Select Date and time of the when reminder will be notified to app user. (Either choose fixed o dynamic
  8. Click on Create Trigger to create the trigger.

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