App broadcast

App broadcast

Web users can send offers, targets, or other updates to users via broadcast using videos, images, and documents.

Broadcast User Messages: Follow These Steps

  1. From the URVA home page, Click on the Admin Settings. 
  2. Click on the In-app broadcast under the Basic Setups. 
  3. Click on the +New Dialog.
  4. Pick the "Next Launch"(To display the broadcast when the application opens) or "Opening of screen"(To display the broadcast in the specific module) under the Launch option. 
  5. Under the Content option, give a title and description under the Title and Text option, and attach the image, carousel, video, or link that you want to show to the users.
  6. Under the Action option- Pick the Action type like- Cancel or Skip or Navigate after viewing the broadcast. 
  7. Under the Schedule option, select the Role to whom you want to show the content, and pick the show type: Once or Daily.
  8. Select the Start and Expire time for the broadcast. 
  9. Click on the Submit to create it. 

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